


“Caring for my community at


Sacred Dunes Integrative Health over the last decade has been instrumental in the development of my patient care philosophy. I understand that patient care is deeply rooted in the systemic formulas that create the gentle balance of nature, the strength of adaptation, and the power of resilience. I believe in the innate mechanism of the body to heal itself and restore balance.  


When I listen to my patients, I assess where they are on their journey and work diligently to meet them exactly there. Not setting expectations too high or too quickly, but gradually achieving realistic results. I am always so excited to see absolute miracles unfold in the clinic, but I am equally ecstatic to watch slow, steady, organic baby steps produce similar results. Sometimes the slow and steady healing delivers the longest lasting changes.  

Additionally, I am a realist. I am very honest and transparent with my patients.

I always make sure to let my patients know that I am no perfect specimen. I am a human being with aches, anxiety, and have difficulty maintaining an exemplary diet and exercise routine. It is important to me to take a human approach and meet the patients I help exactly where they are in their healing journey. I want them to understand that no matter how many pharmaceuticals or surgeries they have had, this integrative medicine approach will benefit them greatly.

Patient education is a key component to empower patients using their built-in healing and regeneration capabilities. Offering a variety of tools such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, supplements, nutrition, lifestyle hacks, breathwork, and movement enables patients to help themselves. 


Tender touch, compassion, and empathetic listening are important elements of how I practice medicine. The fast-paced model of standard allopathic care does not always allow the time for active listening.


Just like nature, there is a constant of duality. The sun shines, the storms come, seasons change. I feel honored and humbled as a practitioner to treat all ages. Many families seek my care in both their most ecstatic and traumatic seasons of life. I do not want patients to ever feel judged or not good enough. I often find a lot of the work I must do is to help mentally unwind their negative belief systems. When a patient has been told that they will “always” have a problem or “never” be able to do something, these words plant deep seeds into the subconscious and continue to manifest into physiological patterns. I want to support my patients, meet them right where they are, and help them renew a sense of faith and hope in their ability to heal body, mind, and spirit.  


I feel confident in my ability to refer my patients to the other practitioners within my clinic and within the medical community. I love collaborating with other specialists. I am honored to continue to care for my community. I have a long referral list and many physicians I work with directly to best support improving the quality of our patients’ lives. “